Please join the members of the University of Illinois chapter of Phi Beta Kappa in welcoming our new keyholders!
- Mallory Beth Adams, Psychology
- James Anthony Antonaglia, Physics
- Cameron Baldes, Molecular and Cellular Biology
- Alexis Marie Bargione, Political Science
- Jacob Robert Becraft, Chemical Engineering
- Alexandra Bell, English
- Courtney E. Brady, History
- Elizabeth Braun, Communication
- Pui Lam Carmen Cheung, Global Studies
- Grace Chow, Economics
- Kathryn Ellen Clausing, Political Science
- Henry Cornillie, Philosophy
- Kathryn DiGiulio, English
- Emre Discekici, Chemistry
- *Mohamed Ahmed Tarek Elrakhawy, Molecular and Cellular Biology
- Rebecca Fundator, English
- Alex Garel-Frantzen, History
- Alexandra Gecas, Global Studies
- Lindsay Goad, Molecular and Cellular Biology
- Corey Thomas Guastini¸ Atmospheric Sciences
- Michael Hassan Habhab, Chemistry
- Jeffrey Wayne Harmon, Global Studies
- Anna Hausmann, Molecular and Cellular Biology
- Allison Marie Hawkins, English
- Caitlin Heller, Communication
- Julie Marie Henninger, Classics
- Michael Thomas Henry, Global Studies
- Phillip Harrison Henry, Psychology
- Karina Kelly Hoppe, Sociology
- Scott David Huber, Physics
- Rebecca Susan Janus, Actuarial Science
- Matthew Johnson, Mathematics
- Elizabeth Anne Jump, Spanish
- Corinne Nicole Glazik Kacmarek, Psychology
- Miriam Kahn, Psychology
- Ryan David Kelsch, Molecular and Cellular Biology
- Christina Kim, Molecular and Cellular Biology
- Yasmine Elizabeth Luk Kumar, History
- Matthias Henry Daniel Landt, Geography
- Elizabeth Francyne Langford, Psychology
- Meagan Elizabeth Leonard, Sociology
- Victoria Ling, East Asian Languages and Cultures
- Guannan Liu, Physics
- Weixi Liu, Actuarial Science
- Alexandra Ayley Loh, English
- Sandra Melissa Lopez, Sociology
- Caitlin Mae MacDonald, Spanish
- Anna Majeski, Rhetoric
- Charles Marcus, Psychology
- Jared Matthew, Psychology
- Patrick Charles McDonald, English
- Tara Rachel McGovern, Anthropology
- Yeabin Moon, Economics
- Elizabeth Toni Mucha, Linguistics
- Virginia Louise Murray, Communication
- Matthew Novack, Mathematics
- Lauren Elizabeth Nowak, Mathematics
- Ryan Clinton Patterson, Actuarial Science
- Katherine Ann Pencak, Psychology
- David Andrew Rahimi, History
- Courtney Reents, Earth, Society, and Environment
- Caitlyn Meredith Reizman, Anthropology
- Michael Joseph Rigby, Molecular and Cellular Biology
- Nicholas Michael Rossi, History
- Douglas William Rybar, Molecular and Cellular Biology
- Sara Salmon, Communication
- Lara Rose Sanoica, Global Studies
- Jeffrey Sayler, Chemistry
- Leah A. Schmelkin, Molecular and Cellular Biology
- Shoshanna Leah Shaoul, English
- Brian Slivnick, Global Studies
- *Daniel David Sloboda, Global Studies
- Christina Julia Small, Psychology
- Connor Michael Snarkis, Molecular and Cellular Biology
- Lindsey Sonenthal, Sociology
- Katherine Taylor, Political Science
- Jeffrey Trost, Biochemistry
- Andy Tu, Molecular and Cellular Biology
- James Karl Tucker, Chemistry
- Nicole Emily Vecchione, Earth Systems, Environment, and Society
- Misha Villatuya, History
- Molli Warsh, Communication
- Michelle Wegscheid, Biochemistry
- Elizabeth Grace Wells, English
- Jake Walter Wiesen, Economics
- Laura Elisabeth Windes, Global Studies
- Jessica Lily Wong, Political Science
- Sara J. Yanny-Tillar, Germanic Languages and Literature
- Jimin Zhang, Economics
- Danielle Marie Zimmerman, English